Sunday, May 25, 2014

Years ago I created this Blog for no better reason than having a blog.  I have old high school friends that are great bloggers (Krissy Keane, Xavier Davis).  They put it out there without remorse or regret.  It comes from the heart and that is why I always read their stuff.   Krissy, a great mother and painter, Xavier a great father and a photographer.  I am drawn to both. I wish we could see more of their stuff, more often.  If there are others, I know, blogging,  send me your link.

I am me.  A jack of all trades and a master of none,  I  know how to  use a camera.  I have never claimed to be an artist.  I have never tried to do more than show you what I think is beautiful.  My life is defined by the people I meet and the stories they share.  If they take something, negative or positive, from me, I believe we crossed paths for a reason.  EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON....

I'm spending the next four months on a fishing boat in Alaska.  Why?  Opportunity came knocking at my door.  Those who have questioned my motives, should take a step back.  We all live in glass houses.   Those who support me, thank you.

I had to make a quick decision or the opportunity would have gone away for good.  I want everyone to know, as I know, that I needed this.  I need a lot of this.  Its in my DNA and it has been suppressed for many years.  I'm not running away.  I'm filling my adrenaline qouta.  Adventure drives me.  You can have your nice retirement plan and your security blankets but that all bores me.  I don't want safe.  I want to live because no matter what your preacher says, I got a limited amount of trips around the sun in this world and we were meant to enjoy each and everyone.  I will never be like you.  I'm OK with that fact.  I only encourage you, challenge you, the reader, to take a chance on what means something to you... #makeyourmove